Search for Alien Worlds

Search for Alien Worlds

Long as our world has lived among them, the stars have offered scant overtures to us, save their faint flickers across the void. Now, scientists are beginning to penetrate the bright lights of distant stars, to reveal solar system and planets. There are hints that some may even be Earth-like.

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Search for Alien Worlds
  • Finding Another Earth Within Reach

    Planet hunters unveil the tricks of the trade for finding planets around nearby stars and scanning them for signs of life. Are we alone? It's the biggest question ever. And the answer is almost within reach. With so many galaxies, and each with so many stars, how could the Earth be unique? From E...

  • Planet Vulcan Toxic Oasis

    Check out this animation from the Kepler space telescope portraying a dramatic planetary discovery. Kepler-10b, it's called, orbits its sun at a distance more than 20 times closer than Mercury is to our Sun. The daytime temperature is more than 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Intense radiation from th...

  • The Planets of Gliese 581

    This ESOCast briefly describes the planetary mother lode detected around the red dwarf star Gliese 581. This star may be tiny, but it could harbor something big.

  • How Solar Systems Evolve

    From NASA's James Webb Telescope, feast on this gorgeous, ground-breaking visualization that explores how stars form in dense dusty regions of our galaxy such as the Eagle nebula. With its huge mirror, the James the Webb Space Telescope will be able to see inside these dense clouds of gas and dust.

  • What a Planet Needs to Become Earth-Like

    Find out where to look for Extraterrestrial Life. What planets are likely to have the right conditions? And what makes Earth special? So far, in this age of planet hunting, we've yet to find anything like our solar system... with rocky inner planets in neat circular orbits, and evenly spaced gas ...

  • Zombie Planet Returns

    An enormous alien planet that some astronomers thought was dead and buried has come back to life, a new study suggests. A new analysis of observations from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found that the bright nearby star Fomalhaut does indeed host a huge exoplanet, which scientists dubbed a "zombi...

  • Portrait of a Solar System 20 Light Years Away

    The rich planet discoveries around the red dwarf star, Gliese 581, within the neighborhood of the sun.

  • Planet Factories

    Astronomers now know that planets around other stars are plentiful. But they do not fully understand how they form and there are many aspects of the formation of comets, planets and other rocky bodies that remain a mystery. However, new observations exploiting the power of the ALMA telescope arra...

  • Polarizing Planets

    A new type of exoplanet finder comes on line in the next year. Working with the giant telescopes of the Chilean outback, the Very Large Telescope on Mt Paranal, it will distinguish the polarized light of planet atmospheres from the light of their parent stars. This new planet detection system off...

  • Super Earths: 10 Major Discoveries

    A Super Earth is a planet smaller than Neptune, but larger than Earth. There are no Super Earths in our solar system. But they may be the most common type of planet in our galaxy, according to data from the Kepler Space Telescope. Some have rock or ice cores wrapped in hydrogen and helium gas. Ot...